10171 Nectar Avenue
Nelson, MO 65347
Phone (660) 859-2064
(660) 859-2058
Contact person is Patricia Rebuck

Order your Palomino Horse Association Decals today!
We have 12" for only $10 and the 6" for only $6
This is a great way to show your support for The Palomino Horse Association and your love for Palomino Horses!

View pictures of registered horses here!
If you would like to see your horse's picture here, all you have to do is register your horse with us (if your horse is not previously registered with us) then email a picture of your horse to palominorebuck@yahoo.com
Please visit these other great web sites!
People often ask me,"Why should I register my horse?" I simply ask them, "Why would you not register your horse?" When you register your horse it is the start of the paper trail. For anything that you own it is important to have a paper trail on it. It proves ownership and increases the value of the item. Horses are just like anything else when it comes to "resale value" The more paperwork and information that you have on it the more valueable it becomes.
Also, take into consideration if the worst was to happen and your horse was lost or stolen. You are going to have to show some kind of proof of ownership to get that animal back. What better way than a certificate of registration!
Then there is the possibility of showing your horse. You must have paperwork on your horse to show him or her. Even the youth 4-H shows and "fun" shows are starting to require paperwork and/or certificates of registration to show your horse.
The process is really quit simple, does not cost much and the benefits are very real! Take advantage of this great oportunity and get your horse registered today!